All Classes and Interfaces

A unit of functionality for a viewer.
A facet that sends action bars.
A facet that opens a book.
A facet that listens to boss bar changes.
A builder for boss bar facets.
A facet that listens to boss bar changes, using fake entities.
A facet that listens to boss bar changes, using packets.
A facet that sends chat messages.
A facet that sends chat messages, using packets.
Create a sound that follows a certain entity.
A facet for spawning client-side entities.
A facet that converts components between formats.
Methods for building pointers.
A facet that requires a 3D vector.
A facet that plays and stops sounds.
Methods for working with the player tab list.
A facet that shows, clears, and resets titles.
A facet that sends titles, using packets.
An Audience that is implemented by Facets.
An audience provider implementation using facets.
A base implementation of a facet that validates viewer type.
A provider for component flatteners that uses the Facet system to access implementation details.
An interface to the game's own translation system.
Pointers for facet-specific data.
Types of audience that may receive special handling.
Facet utilities and logging pipeline.